How to Market a Window Cleaning Service?

marketing window cleaning business

With brands popping out of our phones and billboards today, marketing is a wise strategy to be able to sell a product. With every great and unique promotion, every product can have a story, depending on how you can create good content for any good or service. With the wonders of product campaigns, it’s essential to think that retail businesses and service companies must never negate the efficacy of commercials for people.

Yet, it may be easy to market goods. Still, when we talk about promoting services, there is an inevitable chance that it will appear boring, and thus not tantalizing for your target market’s eyes. Nonetheless, if you come to think about it, the easiest way to go is to make small steps; from traditional forms of marketing, and later on to unconventional but superb thought for the service you want to market.

Regardless if you have a small window cleaning service or not, you can do these things to boost up your sales:


As hassle as it may sound, brochures are the easiest and cheapest way to market your business. You may create a brochure with photos and text of what your window cleaning service is like, but remember to not be too wordy. People mostly want to see graphics and photos for ads and promos, and if there are too many words on your brochure, they might end up in the trash bin in seconds. Make sure to make it simple and concise, and very well made.

Brochures can be handled personally, or you can put one on each mailbox one neighborhood at a time.


In the era of technology, more and more people want to go paperless and resort to finding something on the internet. With this, a listing is a very cheap way to make your business presentation, so people would know that your business exists. Consequently, you may contact websites that promote ads, as they tend to mass-market business to reach not only a specific audience. This type of strategy will be very much effective when people search for your service and boom! Your window cleaning service pops in.

Affiliate Marketing

Nowadays, this marketing strategy is one of the most preferred by ad agents. Marketing affiliate is the easiest middleman to promote your brand, as they will be able to redirect people to your business with a link. When the link is clicked, it will reroute them to your service website and there’s a great chance they will look you up.

Yet, you must also make sure to make websites or pages for your business. Making one is very easy and affordable as well.

Customize Website Appearance

Again, audiences would want to have a good-looking website so your brand identity would feel the same. You can hire a good layout artist for your website and make sure to highlight your edge over your competitors. A business website might be costly, but it is a good investment for most businesses.

Ready to make money from your window cleaning service business? Make sure to promote and create a superior brand identity that does not disappoint.

What do you think?

Written by Aiza Day

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